Exposition Text
Exposition Teks
Hi guyss! back again with me, on my blog this time I'll discuss about Exposition Text.
Definition and Function of Exposition Text
Exposition Text or exposition text is divided into two, namely hortatory exposition and analytical exposition.
Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is a type of exposition text that begins with a statement containing the problem / issue which is used as the theme of the writing, then supported by various arguments / statements and supporting evidence that can lead the reader to the author's point of view and closes with suggestions or recommendations from the author. what should have been done or happened in relation to the problem or issue presented at the outset.
Analytical Exposition
Slightly different from hortatory exposition , analytical exposition is a type of exposition text that begins with a statement that shows the attitude, opinion, statement or position of the author on the theme being discussed which is then supported by various arguments and closes with an affirmation or restatement of the opinion stated at the beginning. The function of the exposition text is to convince readers or listeners that the theme raised is interesting to discuss through the opinions or arguments presented.
Text Structure / Generic Structure
Thesis : in the hortatory exposition this section will contain the issue or problem to be raised while in the analytical exposition this section will contain the position, opinion or attitude of the author.
Argument : contains opinions / arguments that the author began to present. Both the hortatory exposition and the analytical exposition have the same explanation in this section.
Reiteration : reiteration is a conclusion. The hortatory exposition will contain recommendations or suggestions from the author regarding the problem that is the theme of the writing, while in the analytical exposition , this section will contain a re-statement from the author
Linguistic Elements
- Using the simple present tense
- Many use conjunctions ( conjunctions ) such as because of, so, therefore, the reason , and others.
- Contains arguments.
- Many use words that contain cause and effect
- Using a vocabulary that can evoke the reader's emotions like: amused, concerned, innocent, monsters, etc unreasonable .
Types of Exposition Text
Based on the pattern of paragraph development, the exposition text is divided into several parts, among others.
1. Exposition of Definition
This exposition describes a certain topic in a definitive way, namely giving an explanation with meaning limitations. Example, Globalization is the process by which the world becomes increasingly connected as a result of a massive increase in trade and cultural exchange . Globalization has increased the production of goods and services. The company in question is no longer a national company but a multinational company with subsidiaries in many countries.
2. Process Exposition
Exposition that describes the steps or ways of doing something or in making certain things. Example, When someone writes an exposition text, the first step is to determine the topic which is then poured into the title. After that, the writer's statement based on facts is poured into the thesis section, in which there is also the author's position whether it is for or against.
3. Illustrative Exposition
This exposition aims to provide an overview of a real idea so that readers can understand it well. This depiction sees the similarity of properties from one topic to another with the characteristics usually having conjunctions such as or like, and nouns like. Example, One sign of global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth's air. Under certain conditions, the temperature of the air on earth is likened to heating a motor vehicle engine. The impact of global warming can be felt by the hot air around us. The air that is generally felt ordinary, has now exceeded normal limits. It is like a motorbike engine that heats up due to continuous driving.
4. Exposition to Controversy
This exposition contains topics that are explained in terms of contradictions, which are usually related to other topics. The characteristics of the contradiction exposition lie in the use of intracalimatter conjunctions, such as but and while, or conjunctions between sentences, as but, nevertheless, on the contrary. Example, There is a very interesting peculiarity of the planet Mercury. The length of the planet's rotation and revolution is inversely proportional. To evolve around the sun, Mercury takes 88 days. Conversely, to rotate on its axis, 59 days is the time it takes for the planet Mercury. The difference is very striking with the earth which only takes 1 day.
5. Comparative Exposition
Comparing one another is the characteristic of this exposition text. In this way, the discussion of a problem will be clearer than by simply focusing on the problem itself. Example, The government has provided electricity at low rates. Everyone can become an electricity customer at very little cost. Meanwhile, petromax requires more careful maintenance and uses a lot of fuel when compared to a power plant. Petromax can only produce a source of light and is only useful for light. With a power plant, thousands, even millions of watts of electricity can be generated and not only used for lighting, but also for other purposes. There is electricity in the cities. Petromax is usually used in places without electricity or in villages.
6. Exposition of Classification
This exposition serves to group or divide something into certain groups. There are two patterns: homogenizing into one group or separating into other groups. Therefore, in making this exposition text a clear basis for classification is needed. Example, The Indonesian literature department at the University of Indonesia is divided into three: linguistics, literature and philology. Even though all three of them both study Indonesian, the difference lies in the interest classifications of the students. Linguistics is a specialization for students who focus on grammar. Meanwhile, students, who pay particular attention to art as the medium of language, place literature as their specialization. Philology is specifically for students who want to explore classic Indonesian language learned from ancient texts.
7. News Exposition
This exposition contains information that is usually contained in the mass media which is actual and factual. The information raised is in the form of certain events. Example, Chairman of the Student Executive Board of the University of Indonesia. Manik Margamahendra, became the public spotlight after his action stated loudly that the DPR stands for "People's Traitor Council". The action was staged from the form of protest representing the voices of Indonesian students who rejected the RKUHAP.
8. Exposition Analysis
This exposition contains in-depth observations and then the argumentation section is discussed in stages. Example, I believe that the existence of various tutoring institutions is a form of the failure of the education system in Indonesia. This is not without reason. First, there are not a few students who are unable to compete with other students who take the tutoring which is seen in terms of the value in each subject being taught.
Exposition Text Example :
Benefits of Healthy, Nutritious Food for the Body
In general, we can understand that the function of food is as a function of the body's energy for living things, especially humans. Bad food produces bad energy and good food produces good energy. Here, good food is defined as nutritious food.
Many definitions related to what is a nutritious food that often makes us confused. However, there is one thing that is certain in the definition of nutritious food, namely the availability and need for healthy food has a very crucial role for human health. The reason is, wrong consumption of food will have a negative impact on the health of the body because the food interferes with the body's metabolic processes. This is often referred to as a disease.
In some literatures, it is explained that one of the indicators of a healthy body condition is an ideal body in terms of body weight. Healthy nutritious food includes food that can prevent us from being overweight or underweight. Healthy and hygienic food will be able to keep your body weight at normal or ideal body weight.
In addition, nutritious and healthy foods for the human body are foods that do not trigger an increase in cholesterol levels in the body, or blood sugar levels. More than that, healthy food keeps uric acid, sugar, fat and uric acid levels in a stable and good condition.
Ideal body indicators that are influenced by body weight and height will have a positive impact on the health of the body. The ideal body can be obtained by consuming nutritious healthy food in an ideal or balanced level, which must consist of main food ingredients and supporting food ingredients. This balanced diet composition is popularly known as the four healthy, five perfect foods. However, due to various reasons, the popularity of the term four healthy and five perfect has receded every day.
Conclusion :
In general, we can understand that the function of food is as a function of the body's energy for living things, especially humans. Bad food produces bad energy and good food produces good energy. Here, good food is defined as nutritious food.
Many definitions related to what is a nutritious food that often makes us confused. However, there is one thing that is certain in the definition of nutritious food, namely the availability and need for healthy food has a very crucial role for human health. The reason is, wrong consumption of food will have a negative impact on the health of the body because the food interferes with the body's metabolic processes. This is often referred to as a disease.
In some literatures, it is explained that one of the indicators of a healthy body condition is an ideal body in terms of body weight. Healthy nutritious food includes food that can prevent us from being overweight or underweight. Healthy and hygienic food will be able to keep your body weight at normal or ideal body weight.
In addition, nutritious and healthy foods for the human body are foods that do not trigger an increase in cholesterol levels in the body, or blood sugar levels. More than that, healthy food keeps uric acid, sugar, fat and uric acid levels in a stable and good condition.
Ideal body indicators that are influenced by body weight and height will have a positive impact on the health of the body. The ideal body can be obtained by consuming nutritious healthy food in an ideal or balanced level, which must consist of main food ingredients and supporting food ingredients. This balanced diet composition is popularly known as the four healthy, five perfect foods. However, due to various reasons, the popularity of the term four healthy and five perfect has receded every day.
and this is my video when i reading the exposition text.
That will be all for now. Hopefully it'll help y'all guys!! Thank You!!
BalasHapuswoww your blog is interesting and helpful!