Biography of RA. Kartini

 RA. Kartini

Hi guyss! back again with me, on my blog this time I'll discuss about Biography of RA. Kartini.

RA Kartini has the full name Raden Adjeng Kartini Djojo Adhiningrat. She was born on April 21, 1879 in Jepara, Central Java. Kartini born in the middle of a noble family from a father named Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat, son of Prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV, who served as the Regent of Jepara. Meanwhile, his mother, MA Ngasirah, does not come from aristocratic descent but is just an ordinary citizen, the son of a kiai or religious teacher in Telukawur, Jepara. The Kartini family lineage from her father's lineage is the descendant of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI.

In fact, if traced upward, they are descendants of the Majapahit Kingdom. At first, Kartini's father was a Wedana (now Assistant Regent) in Mayong. However, due to Dutch colonial regulations at that time which required a regent to be married to a nobleman as well, until finally Kartini's father married a woman named Raden Adjeng Woerjan who was a noble descended directly from the King of Madura. After the marriage, Kartini's father was appointed Regent of Jepara to replace RA Woerjan's father, namely Titrowikromo.

Kartini certainly saw the need for an educational aspect for women. Kartini, who was born on April 21, 1879, was raised and educated in a Javanese aristocratic family. This made Kartini obey the Javanese rules at that time women had Unggah Ungguh (read: etiquette) in everything. The way to sit is regulated in Javanese custom. In fact, even noble women have to leave school when they have their first month.

His curiosity even made her want to go to school in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, she had to swallow that dream. Hanung Bramantyo, in her film Kartini (2017), speculates that her father's failure was due to his sick father and her biological mother, Ngasirah, persuading her to serve just to her family.

Finally, Kartini married the regent of Rembang, Raden Adipati Djojodiningrat. He felt his thoughts continue to grow. Plus, she has a pen pal, Mrs. Abendanon. Kartini expressed the need for vocational education. At that time, Kartini had thought to build a more specific education, namely vocational. Now you can see that there are many vocational schools or course institutions in a particular field. Sewing, English, or even a course in automotive.

Kartini's thoughts, which were influenced by her social environment, made education a tool for advancing a nation. The knowledge that a person gets is a way to achieve happiness for an individual or group of people. Kartini had very deep hopes for the native people to get an education. All of this aims to produce individuals who have intelligence and character.


That will be all for now. Hopefully it'll help y'all guys!! Thank You!!


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