Hopes and Dream

  Hopes n Dreams

Hi guyss! back again with me, on my blog this time I'll discuss about Hopes and Dreams.

The ways for expressing hopes and dreams
To express hopes and dreams we need the verb hope and wish (dream). How is hope different from wish? if hope is usually used to express goodwill, but if wish is an impossible thing it can happen.

Sentence with hope
I am hoping for a good grade in mathematics.
I hope that the bus will arrive on time.
I hope to have much more fun on the beach.
I hope all of the students will pass the exam.
I hope my baby would not cry all night.

Sentence with wish
I wish you came back to me
I wish you could be my girlfriend..
I wish I could live in South Korea someday.
I wish that you were here.
I wish I wasn't failed the test on that day

Example of speech :


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable ladies and gentlemen in this place.

On this day, let us give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because for His blessings and mercy we can all be here and understand more about the importance of moral education. At this meeting, we hope to be able to contribute in building the character or morals of the next young generation.

As we know from a lot of news, there are frequent brawls between students, cases of theft, robbery, and murder. As the current generation, you can also contribute to reducing this crime rate.

The trick is to strengthen and intensify moral lessons for the nation's children today. Changing the generation that is already old will be more difficult than changing the younger generation.

So for ladies and gentlemen, now is the time for you to provide more moral education from an early age. Your children will become the hope for the future. What is clear, this moral education is the responsibility of both parents.

The easiest way to instill morals is to tell various kinds of stories that contain moral. One of the stories that contains morals is the folk tale of Malin Kundang. In the story of Malin Kundang, children will understand that respect for their parents is very important.

In addition, those of you who really like various fairy tales from abroad, can also tell about the story of the Rat and the Owl from Japanese folklore. The story has a moral education in the form of never taking something that belongs to someone else.

Even though the only purpose is borrowing, it is necessary to ask permission first. In addition, the story also teaches children the importance of keeping promises. By telling various kinds of fairy tales every day, a lot of moral education will be digested by children.

So many speeches from me about the importance of moral education. Thank you very much for your attention, i apologize if there is a word wrong.

And this is my video while reading the speech :

That will be all for now. Hopefully it'll help y'all guys!! Thank You!!


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